Articles on: Using Quortex Play

How to passthrough SCTE35 Messages

Quortex I/O provides the ability to passthrough incoming SCTE35 Messages to be used for downstream Ad Insertion or content manipulation mechanisms.
Like the rest of Quortex I/O configurations, this is pretty straight forward.

Input Configuration

First step is to confirm that SCTE Messages are received in the Input Stream and enable them.
To do so, navigate to the Input Section, select your source and click on the settings button. After that navigate to the analysis tab.

Analysis View on Input

If you see this View, it means that the Source contains an SCTE PID (103 in the example). The only thing left to do is to enable the PID on the Input.
Click on Edit Tracks and enable the desired PID.


Voila! you are done with the Input


Second and last step is to configure SCTE in the Target. To do so, navigate to the Targets Section, click on the target you want to add SCTE to and hit the SCTE-35 tab.
The SCTE Option is available for both, HLS and DASH Targets.

Target Configuration

There are two ways to configure SCTE-35 here, first and default way is to manually exclude markers that you don't want to be part of your output stream. If you leave the field empty, all incoming messages will be passed.

Second Option is to manually include only specific markers, if that option is selected and the field remains empty, nothing is passed to the output.

Confirm the Configuration

In order to confirm that the configuration is correct and the passthrough works, the easiest way is to curl the manifest and check if messages are inserted.
curl ''

The output should look like this if everything is correct:


Congratulations, you can now start using Ad Insertion to monetize your streams.

Updated on: 01/03/2024

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