Managing your organization
Quortex I/O comes with an integrated role system that we made both simple and powerful. In this article, we are going to explain the different concepts.
As the first user of your organization, you are automatically granted with the "organization admin" access right. An Organization Admin can make any action on the system: change the payment method, create or remove users, create a pool, give users the admin role, etc.
Of course, this can look tempting to use the platform with this single role ... but, as one says, "with great power comes great responsibility", and you certainly don't want anyone to act as the "root" user of your account.
For that reason, we created different level of access, named "Captain" and "User". Their authorization level is described in the following table.

The rule of thumb for these different roles is the following
The admin has the super power on the organization. He also has access to the billing and payment methods
The captain is meant to be a team manager that will be able to make any operations on any pool of the system
The user can't take any action on the organization, and can only be granted pool access when invited by another teammate.
As an admin, you can create users and give them the desired level of access. To do so, enter your organization view by clicking on your profile on the bottom left of the application.

A user doesn't have access to the list of people inside an organization. Hence, the "Organization" menu won't be visible.
Once you clicked, you will have an overview of your organization. As an admin, you can see all the members (active or pending) and their role inside the organization. You can even modify the profile of your teammates. If you want to invite someone, simply click on "Invite user" and type an email address! Your co-worker will receive an invite in its mailbox to use Quortex I/O. Once he registered, the status will no longer be pending.

Quortex I/O does not support yet users belonging to several organizations. Contact us if this feature is a must for you!
As an organization admin, you can also change the role of all the users (including yourself!) inside your organization. You can also see which pools your user belongs to (see below for pool access rights)

You can grant yourself with a lower privileged mode in your organization. But you can only do that if there is another active admin in your organization. Be careful: you can't promote yourself to a higher level of privilege!
We have seen that different users can have different roles in your organization. On top of being able to invite people or changing their profile, a key aspect of this role is related to the pools themselves. While "admin" and "captains" can create pools, or modify the ownership of the pools, it's worth noting that "users", by default, can't even create a pool. They have to be invited by a teammate for operating on a pool. Time to deep-dive in the pool roles!

A given user can be owner, editor or viewer of a pool. By default, Admin and Captains are owner of all the pools within an organization.
An owner can do everything on a pool, including destroying it. He can modify the pool settings, invite users to become owner, editor or viewer of the pools he owns. He can also generate any kind of API keys, with any role.
An editor has basically the same privileges, except that he can't destroy a pool (and, of course, he can't grant the owner role to a user or generate an owner type API key!
A viewer is a specific type of user that can only browse the pool settings or the analytics. But a viewer can't modify any parameter.
It's important to note that the organization roles (admin, captain and user) are not tied to pool roles (owner, editor and viewer). A good practice is to create users in your organizations that will then be invited by owners of the pools to join a pool with a given privilege.
As a pool owner, you can invite any user to join your pool. For doing so, you can click on the "share" button located on top of the application (when you are configuring a pool). Once a user in invited (he will receive an email to notify him that he was invited)
A user (which is not admin or captain can only see the pools he's been invited in. He will not be able to view other pools in the organization.

You can only invite people if you are an admin of your organization. If you are a user, inviting another user will send an email to all the organization admins to validate that this new user can join the organization.
As a pool owner, you can of course remove a given user from a pool. For doing so, you can either click on the "share" button, or navigate to the "organization" view, click on the user, then check the "pools" section.

You can remove yourself from a pool. But if you do so, you will have to be invited by a teammate again to manage the pool.
All the role operations on the pool are notified on the pool event logs
Start as an admin!
As the first user of your organization, you are automatically granted with the "organization admin" access right. An Organization Admin can make any action on the system: change the payment method, create or remove users, create a pool, give users the admin role, etc.
Of course, this can look tempting to use the platform with this single role ... but, as one says, "with great power comes great responsibility", and you certainly don't want anyone to act as the "root" user of your account.
For that reason, we created different level of access, named "Captain" and "User". Their authorization level is described in the following table.

The rule of thumb for these different roles is the following
The admin has the super power on the organization. He also has access to the billing and payment methods
The captain is meant to be a team manager that will be able to make any operations on any pool of the system
The user can't take any action on the organization, and can only be granted pool access when invited by another teammate.
Invite a teammate
As an admin, you can create users and give them the desired level of access. To do so, enter your organization view by clicking on your profile on the bottom left of the application.

A user doesn't have access to the list of people inside an organization. Hence, the "Organization" menu won't be visible.
Once you clicked, you will have an overview of your organization. As an admin, you can see all the members (active or pending) and their role inside the organization. You can even modify the profile of your teammates. If you want to invite someone, simply click on "Invite user" and type an email address! Your co-worker will receive an invite in its mailbox to use Quortex I/O. Once he registered, the status will no longer be pending.

Quortex I/O does not support yet users belonging to several organizations. Contact us if this feature is a must for you!
As an organization admin, you can also change the role of all the users (including yourself!) inside your organization. You can also see which pools your user belongs to (see below for pool access rights)

You can grant yourself with a lower privileged mode in your organization. But you can only do that if there is another active admin in your organization. Be careful: you can't promote yourself to a higher level of privilege!
Organization and pool roles
We have seen that different users can have different roles in your organization. On top of being able to invite people or changing their profile, a key aspect of this role is related to the pools themselves. While "admin" and "captains" can create pools, or modify the ownership of the pools, it's worth noting that "users", by default, can't even create a pool. They have to be invited by a teammate for operating on a pool. Time to deep-dive in the pool roles!

A given user can be owner, editor or viewer of a pool. By default, Admin and Captains are owner of all the pools within an organization.
An owner can do everything on a pool, including destroying it. He can modify the pool settings, invite users to become owner, editor or viewer of the pools he owns. He can also generate any kind of API keys, with any role.
An editor has basically the same privileges, except that he can't destroy a pool (and, of course, he can't grant the owner role to a user or generate an owner type API key!
A viewer is a specific type of user that can only browse the pool settings or the analytics. But a viewer can't modify any parameter.
It's important to note that the organization roles (admin, captain and user) are not tied to pool roles (owner, editor and viewer). A good practice is to create users in your organizations that will then be invited by owners of the pools to join a pool with a given privilege.
Invite a user to a pool
As a pool owner, you can invite any user to join your pool. For doing so, you can click on the "share" button located on top of the application (when you are configuring a pool). Once a user in invited (he will receive an email to notify him that he was invited)
A user (which is not admin or captain can only see the pools he's been invited in. He will not be able to view other pools in the organization.

You can only invite people if you are an admin of your organization. If you are a user, inviting another user will send an email to all the organization admins to validate that this new user can join the organization.
Removing a user from a pool
As a pool owner, you can of course remove a given user from a pool. For doing so, you can either click on the "share" button, or navigate to the "organization" view, click on the user, then check the "pools" section.

You can remove yourself from a pool. But if you do so, you will have to be invited by a teammate again to manage the pool.
Event logs
All the role operations on the pool are notified on the pool event logs
Updated on: 22/10/2021
Thank you!