Link API changelog
All notable changes to Link API will be documented here.
GET responses for "inputs" and "outputs" resources now include "status" messages and codes providing more information about the current status. A status code and message will always be provided for inputs, outputs and main and failover input streams which have status 'READY', 'DOWN' or 'WARNING'.
Added "availability_zone" property to "input" resource. Allows to select 2 different availability zones of the input region. This property is flagged as beta.
POST and PATCH requests on "scheduled_event" resource only accept "scheduled_resources" property that exclusively use either current fields ("input_uuid", "output_uuids", "all_outputs") or deprecated fields ("source_uuid", "destination_uuids", "all_destinations"). Requests with mixed usage are now rejected.
No deprecation in this version
No removal in this version
Added new fields "input_uuid", "use_all_outputs" and "output_uuids" to "scheduled_resources" property of "scheduled_event" resource.
Added new "input" resource to manage content ingestion into Quortex Link. "input" resources allow simplified configuration compared to "source" and "input_stream" resources that they replace in a single endpoint.
Added new "output" resource to manage content delivery from Quortex Link. "output" resources allow simplified configuration compared to "destination" and "output_stream" resources that they replace in a single endpoint.
Added new endpoints for bulk operations on "output" resources
Added new endpoint to trigger a stream switch on an input in "dual" redundancy mode.
Add the ability to give access to Link inputs for other Quortex apps. Added "app_access" and "app_links" fields to "input" resource, allows to restrict access of an input form other apps. "app_links" field provides information on access from other apps.
On "scheduled_event" resource: "name" property is now required for creation.
On "input" and "output" resources, compared to the respectively deprecated "input_stream" and "output_stream" resources:
Restricted the sub-properties of the "srt" property: for both "caller" and "listener" types, 'encryption' object replaced by a single "passphrase" property. To disable encryption on a PATCH request, use 'null'.
On "output" resource, compared to the deprecated "output_stream" resource:
Restricted the sub-properties of the "rtmp" property: fields "remote_url" and "stream_key" are now required when creating an output using RTMP type.
Restricted the sub-properties of the "srt" property: field "address" is now required when creating an output using SRT Caller type.
On GETs, the "srt" listener property does not return the "our_ip" sub-property anymore. Access the SRT address where the Quortex Link server is listening with the "address" sub-property.
On both "output" and "output_stream" resources:
Restricted the "stream_key" sub-property of the "rtmp" property to the regex '^[A-Za-z0-9_.~%?=&-]+$'.
Deprecated "dual_link" and "dual_link_with_failover" values for "availability_mode" field of "source" and "destination" resources.
Deprecated fields "source_uuid", "use_all_destinations" and "destination_uuids" of "scheduled_resources" property of "scheduled_event" resource, in favor of corresponding new fields, respectively "input_uuid", "use_all_outputs" and "output_uuids".
Deprecated all "source endpoints", replaced by "input" endpoints
Deprecated all "sender" endpoints
Deprecated all "input_stream" endpoints
Deprecated all "destination" endpoints, replaced by "output" endpoints
Deprecated all "receiver" endpoints
Deprecated all "output_stream" endpoints
Deprecated bulk operations on "source" resources
Deprecated bulk operations on "destination" resources
Deprecated "failover_switch" endpoints
No removal in this version
No addition in this version
"name" property of "sender", "receiver", "input_stream" and "output_stream" resources are now optional.
Flagged transcoding routes as beta.
Deprecated "name" property of "sender", "receiver", "input_stream" and "output_stream" resources.
Deprecated "url" property of "sender" and "receiver" resources.
No removal in this version
No addition in this version
Modified the maximum length of the "name" property of "destination" resources from 100 to 140 characters.
No deprecation in this version
No removal in this version
Added "tags" property to "source", "destination" and "pool" resources. Up to 20 tags can be set on each resource, each tag can be up to 30 characters. Replaces and extends the former "labels" property.
Added "tags" query parameter on route to list sources and destinations. Allows to filter and return only sources and destinations containing all specified tags.
"start_timezone" and "end_timezone" properties of "scheduled_event" resource now accepts "Etc/UTC" as a value. Allows to schedule with absolute time alternatively to localized time.
No deprecation in this version
Removed "labels" property of "source", "destination" and "pool" resources. New "tags" property of these resources extends the capabilities and should be used as replacements.
Added destination "query" parameter on route to list "scheduled_event" resources. Allows to filter and return only scheduled events specifically using one of the destination.
Added" scheduled_resources" property on "scheduled_event" resource. The value is a list of objects allowing to specify sources to be scheduled, either for all their linked destinations, or limited to specified destinations.
Added "start_timezone" and "end_timezone" properties to "scheduled_event" resource. Time zone can now be expressed independently for start and end time. Supported values are specified as an enumeration.
Added "started_at" and "ended_at" properties to "scheduled_event" resource. Provides explicit action timestamps, useful with scheduled events that use relative time (now, after 4 hours).
"start_time" property of "scheduled_event" now accepts now as a value, alternatively to a timestamp. It allows to start a scheduled event immediately while specifying its end time.
"end_time" property of "scheduled_event" now accepts a duration relative to the start time, as a number of minutes or hours.
"end_time" property of "scheduled_event" now accepts now as a value on PATCH request when event is started. It allows to stop a scheduled event immediately.
The "state" property of a "scheduled_event" takes a value among scheduled, started and finished.
No deprecation in this version
Removed support of POST and DELETE requests on "sender", "receiver", "input_stream" and "output_stream" resources. These resources should now be created and deleted in the "source" and "destination" creation and deletion request, respectively.
Removed "labels" property on "sender", "receiver", "input_stream" and "output_stream" resources. Labels remain available on parent resources "source" and "destination", respectively.
Removed "source_uuids" property of "scheduled_event" resource. Sources used in a scheduled event are now specified in the new "scheduled_resources" property.
Removed "timezone" property of "scheduled_event" resource. Properties "start_timezone" and "end_timezone" are respective replacements for "start_time" and "end_time".
Removed "enabled_links" property of "source" resource. Streaming is controlled using the "enabled" property on input streams of a source and on output streams of linked destinations.
Removed discontinued values "standard", "high" and "premium" in "availability_mode" property of "source" and "destination" resources.
Version predating detailed historization of API changes.
Link API version 1.5.0 - 2025-01-30
GET responses for "inputs" and "outputs" resources now include "status" messages and codes providing more information about the current status. A status code and message will always be provided for inputs, outputs and main and failover input streams which have status 'READY', 'DOWN' or 'WARNING'.
Added "availability_zone" property to "input" resource. Allows to select 2 different availability zones of the input region. This property is flagged as beta.
POST and PATCH requests on "scheduled_event" resource only accept "scheduled_resources" property that exclusively use either current fields ("input_uuid", "output_uuids", "all_outputs") or deprecated fields ("source_uuid", "destination_uuids", "all_destinations"). Requests with mixed usage are now rejected.
No deprecation in this version
No removal in this version
Link API version 1.4.0 - 2024-12-12
Added new fields "input_uuid", "use_all_outputs" and "output_uuids" to "scheduled_resources" property of "scheduled_event" resource.
Added new "input" resource to manage content ingestion into Quortex Link. "input" resources allow simplified configuration compared to "source" and "input_stream" resources that they replace in a single endpoint.
Added new "output" resource to manage content delivery from Quortex Link. "output" resources allow simplified configuration compared to "destination" and "output_stream" resources that they replace in a single endpoint.
Added new endpoints for bulk operations on "output" resources
Added new endpoint to trigger a stream switch on an input in "dual" redundancy mode.
Add the ability to give access to Link inputs for other Quortex apps. Added "app_access" and "app_links" fields to "input" resource, allows to restrict access of an input form other apps. "app_links" field provides information on access from other apps.
On "scheduled_event" resource: "name" property is now required for creation.
On "input" and "output" resources, compared to the respectively deprecated "input_stream" and "output_stream" resources:
Restricted the sub-properties of the "srt" property: for both "caller" and "listener" types, 'encryption' object replaced by a single "passphrase" property. To disable encryption on a PATCH request, use 'null'.
On "output" resource, compared to the deprecated "output_stream" resource:
Restricted the sub-properties of the "rtmp" property: fields "remote_url" and "stream_key" are now required when creating an output using RTMP type.
Restricted the sub-properties of the "srt" property: field "address" is now required when creating an output using SRT Caller type.
On GETs, the "srt" listener property does not return the "our_ip" sub-property anymore. Access the SRT address where the Quortex Link server is listening with the "address" sub-property.
On both "output" and "output_stream" resources:
Restricted the "stream_key" sub-property of the "rtmp" property to the regex '^[A-Za-z0-9_.~%?=&-]+$'.
Deprecated "dual_link" and "dual_link_with_failover" values for "availability_mode" field of "source" and "destination" resources.
Deprecated fields "source_uuid", "use_all_destinations" and "destination_uuids" of "scheduled_resources" property of "scheduled_event" resource, in favor of corresponding new fields, respectively "input_uuid", "use_all_outputs" and "output_uuids".
Deprecated all "source endpoints", replaced by "input" endpoints
Deprecated all "sender" endpoints
Deprecated all "input_stream" endpoints
Deprecated all "destination" endpoints, replaced by "output" endpoints
Deprecated all "receiver" endpoints
Deprecated all "output_stream" endpoints
Deprecated bulk operations on "source" resources
Deprecated bulk operations on "destination" resources
Deprecated "failover_switch" endpoints
No removal in this version
Link API version 1.3.0 - 2024-11-05
No addition in this version
"name" property of "sender", "receiver", "input_stream" and "output_stream" resources are now optional.
Flagged transcoding routes as beta.
Deprecated "name" property of "sender", "receiver", "input_stream" and "output_stream" resources.
Deprecated "url" property of "sender" and "receiver" resources.
No removal in this version
Link API version 1.2.1 - 2024-10-02
No addition in this version
Modified the maximum length of the "name" property of "destination" resources from 100 to 140 characters.
No deprecation in this version
No removal in this version
Link API version 1.2.0 - 2024-09-27
Added "tags" property to "source", "destination" and "pool" resources. Up to 20 tags can be set on each resource, each tag can be up to 30 characters. Replaces and extends the former "labels" property.
Added "tags" query parameter on route to list sources and destinations. Allows to filter and return only sources and destinations containing all specified tags.
"start_timezone" and "end_timezone" properties of "scheduled_event" resource now accepts "Etc/UTC" as a value. Allows to schedule with absolute time alternatively to localized time.
No deprecation in this version
Removed "labels" property of "source", "destination" and "pool" resources. New "tags" property of these resources extends the capabilities and should be used as replacements.
Link API version 1.1.0 - 2024-09-16
Added destination "query" parameter on route to list "scheduled_event" resources. Allows to filter and return only scheduled events specifically using one of the destination.
Added" scheduled_resources" property on "scheduled_event" resource. The value is a list of objects allowing to specify sources to be scheduled, either for all their linked destinations, or limited to specified destinations.
Added "start_timezone" and "end_timezone" properties to "scheduled_event" resource. Time zone can now be expressed independently for start and end time. Supported values are specified as an enumeration.
Added "started_at" and "ended_at" properties to "scheduled_event" resource. Provides explicit action timestamps, useful with scheduled events that use relative time (now, after 4 hours).
"start_time" property of "scheduled_event" now accepts now as a value, alternatively to a timestamp. It allows to start a scheduled event immediately while specifying its end time.
"end_time" property of "scheduled_event" now accepts a duration relative to the start time, as a number of minutes or hours.
"end_time" property of "scheduled_event" now accepts now as a value on PATCH request when event is started. It allows to stop a scheduled event immediately.
The "state" property of a "scheduled_event" takes a value among scheduled, started and finished.
No deprecation in this version
Removed support of POST and DELETE requests on "sender", "receiver", "input_stream" and "output_stream" resources. These resources should now be created and deleted in the "source" and "destination" creation and deletion request, respectively.
Removed "labels" property on "sender", "receiver", "input_stream" and "output_stream" resources. Labels remain available on parent resources "source" and "destination", respectively.
Removed "source_uuids" property of "scheduled_event" resource. Sources used in a scheduled event are now specified in the new "scheduled_resources" property.
Removed "timezone" property of "scheduled_event" resource. Properties "start_timezone" and "end_timezone" are respective replacements for "start_time" and "end_time".
Removed "enabled_links" property of "source" resource. Streaming is controlled using the "enabled" property on input streams of a source and on output streams of linked destinations.
Removed discontinued values "standard", "high" and "premium" in "availability_mode" property of "source" and "destination" resources.
Link API version 1.0.0
Version predating detailed historization of API changes.
Updated on: 24/02/2025
Thank you!