Getting started with the API
Quortex I/O comes with a fully documented API that allows you to fully automate the platform. The API relies on the same concept as the User Interface, making it very easy to integrate. Follow the guide! API Keys in a nutshell There are two types of API keys: Organization API keys can be created by admin and allow to make any operation on the platform. They have to be used carefully as they give you a complete control on the platform Pool API Keys pertain only to a pool and allow to makPopularWhat are Quortex Pools ?
Quortex applications such as Play or Link are configured by Pools. This article defines the Pool configuration object. What is a Pool ? in Quortex, a pool is the first configuration object you need to create before defining applications configurations (such as a live stream for Play, or a distribution stream for Link). A pool is defined by: An input region: a list of ingest regions spread across the globe is proposed. You should select the nearest region to our input streams. A streaminFew readersAPI Deprecation policy
Quortex I/O comes with a fully documented API that allows you to fully automate the platform. API deprecation is the process of progressively discontinuing an API. It starts by informing customers that the API is no longer actively supported even though it remains operational for a while. A migration path is proposed. Eventually, the deprecated API is no longer functional. This article describes the API deprecation policy. Why do we deprecate ? In a continuous improvement procFew readersBrowser requirements to use the Quortex I/O app
To get the best experience with the Quortex I/O app, please use a modern and up-to-date (6 months old maximum) desktop browser. More info in this article.Popular