How we price Quortex
In this article, we will explain how you'll be charged for using Quortex. Pricing Model The price for Quortex Play and Quortex Link comprises three components: The Features Plan: This defines the set of features you can use. The Starter plan is free and provides all essential features. Standard and Premium plans offer additional features. The Usage: It consists in Ingest, Processing, Delivery, and Storage. The price depends on the on actual usage (Pay As You Go). The Service & SupportPopularHow we price Quortex Play
In this article, we will explain how you'll be charged for using Quortex Play. Business Model Streaming is fast moving world and you need partners that will scale with your business rather than trying to guess what the future will look like. The business model of Quortex follows a Pay As You Go model. The price comprises three components: The Features Plan: This defines the sFew readersHow we price Quortex Link
In this article, we will explain how you'll be charged for using Quortex Link. Business Model In a fast moving world, you need solutions that will scale with your business rather than trying to guess what the future will look like. The business model of Quortex Link follows a Pay As You Go model. The price comprises three components: The Features Plan: This defines the set of features you can use. The Starter plan is free and provides all essential features for streaming live. Standard aFew readersQuortex Features Plans
Quortex Features Plans The Features Plan outlines the set of available features. The Starter plan is free and encompasses all essential features. The Standard and Premium plans offer additional functionalities, requiring a paid subscription for 12 months. You can also benefit from private pricing for a 36-month subscription.Few readersQuortex Service & Support Levels
Quortex Service & Support Levels The Service & Support Level outlines the set of services and level of available support. The Basic level is free and provides essential support. The Professional and Enterprise levels provides additional services and faster response times.Few readersHow do I reduce the processing costs?
Using Quortex I/O, one of the items you will be charged for is the “processing” traffic (see here for more info). You can see this traffic as the amount of data that is transcoded by the platform. Quortex I/O will always try to mutualize the processing as much as possible. By mutualizing, the data will only be processed once and the processing cost will be lowered. Follow the guide to learn more! HLS and DASH mutualization When you enable multiple targets (Some readersYour platform usage, explained
As you can see from our pricing page, we price per what you use, without commitment. In this article, we'll deep dive into the billing and payment methods. Monitoring your usage We price based on the traffic for the input, the processing and the delivered data. You can monitor the amount of data that contribute to any of these items in the status/usage tab. You can select any time period on the upper left of this control. By default, all the graph are synchrFew readers